Luxmed ul. Radziwillowska 5, Lublin

5 Radziwillowska Street, 20-080 Lublin
working hours: Mon-Fri. 7.00-20.00, Saturday 8.00-14.00
phone: 81 532 37 11
access: see on the map

The facility at 5 Radziwillowska Street in Lublin offers a wide range of medical services. You can take advantage of:

Luxmed ul. Radziwillowska 5, Lublin

The offer is complemented by free medical care for students and subscriptions for companies.

Luxmed Radziwillowska 5 medical center also specializes in dental services with diagnostic imaging, including 3D pantomogram, dental hygiene office.

Luxmed ul. Radziwillowska 5, Lublin