
Date booking: Required

Referral: advisable, but not absolutely required

Age range: Depends on the doctor - please check the doctor's business card for details

Waiting time for the result: Result available immediately after the test. Result of any histopathological analysis up to 21 working days.

Price list



During the examination/surgery, it may be necessary to perform additional medical procedures, which are charged extra:

  • Histopathological examination (1 slice)
  • Immunohistochemical examination (1 reaction)
  • Removal of a polyp (1 polyp)


Patients under the age of 18 should compulsorily report with a parent/legal guardian for the test. Please note that a doctor should always qualify for the examination, take a history and provide detailed information.


Bowel cleansing and the quality of the test depend on good preparation for the test, so it is very important to follow the recommendations and hours for drinking fluids.

  • During the three days prior to the test, do not eat any food containing small seeds (e.g.: grapes, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, berries, tomatoes, etc.), food with poppy seeds and cabbage, flaxseed, wholemeal bread.
  • If someone is taking iron preparations, they should be discontinued 2 days before the test.
  • The method of preparation depends on the scheduled time of the test and the laxative preparation - the preparation should be purchased from a pharmacy (prescription drug).
  • The normal reaction when preparing for the test will be multiple bowel movements, towards the end with liquid contents and water alone.
  • If you experience nausea, please slow down the rate at which you drink fluids.
  • On the day before and on the day of the examination, take the necessary medications that you take on a regular basis (e.g. "cardiac", "blood pressure" medications). If you have diabetes, please arrange with your diabetologist in advance the doses of medication and insulin.
  • If you are taking anticoagulants, any changes should be arranged with the referring physician or the patient's outpatient clinic.
  • Please come to the examination with a companion or have the companion pick you up after the examination.
  • You can bring a meal with you to eat after the test.
  • If you use glasses, please bring them with you.
  • During the examination, the doctor may decide that sections need to be taken for histopathological evaluation and possible further immunohistochemical diagnosis (histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis is charged extra).
  • If you have any questions, please call 81 538 54 29 or 81 532 37 11. It is also imperative that you notify us if you cancel the study.

If the test will be performed under general anesthesia with an anesthesiologist:

  • Demand for examination under general anesthesia with anesthesiologist should be reported at the time of enrollment for the examination!
  • Anesthesia with an anesthesiologist is an extra charge option.
  • Refrain from drinking for 4 hours before the test with the anesthesiologist.
  • Prior to the examination under anesthesia, it is not necessary to remove nail polish from the nails or remove hybrid/gel nails.
  • The patient should report for the examination about 30 minutes before the scheduled examination time.
    Before the examination, a questionnaire about the patient's health is filled out and the anesthesiologist decides whether anesthesia can be administered.
  • After the examination, the patient remains at CM Luxmed for about an hour.
  • It is necessary to go to the examination with a companion or have the companion pick up the patient after the examination.
  • At home, the patient should be cared for by an adult until the next morning.
  • For 24 hours after anesthesia, you cannot drive motor vehicles.


  • On the eve of the test you can eat a lightly digested breakfast, at lunchtime a clear soup (broth without additives, especially fat!).
  • The rule of thumb is to take the cleansing formula in two doses, a few hours apart. In the schedule, the times for drinking consecutive servings are given.
  • A dozen hours before the scheduled examination (times given in the schedule below), please take the first portion of the preparation. The natural reaction during this time will be numerous bowel movements, towards the end with liquid content alone.
  • During intestinal cleansing, please, if possible, engage in normal activity and movement.
  • After a break of a few hours (times given in the schedule below), please prepare and drink a second serving of the product. The normal reaction during this time will continue to be numerous bowel movements with liquid contents.
  • The last watery stool is likely to appear within 2-3 hours after finishing drinking the second dose. Please take this into account when planning to come to the facility.
  • It is optimal to finish drinking fluids 4 hours before the test. In case you come to the facility from far away by public transportation and the trip will take many hours, please start bowel cleansing 1-2 hours earlier, so that you finish bowel cleansing 5-6 hours before the test.
  • Please do not use anti-diarrheal drugs during or after bowel cleansing.
  • The bowel cleanser should be dissolved in still water or other clear liquid. In addition to water, the following are allowed to drink: clear juices, clear non-carbonated drinks, weak tea, light coffee without grounds and milk, pure vegetable broth (without fat).
  • If you experience nausea, please slightly slow down the rate of fluids you drink.


At the specified time (see schedule), dissolve 2 sachets of Fortrans in 2 liters of still water (you can add seedless lemon juice or clear apple juice) and drink the prepared liquid within 2 hours (a glass every 15 minutes). At later hours, the remaining 2 liters (see schedule). Before drinking each liter of solution, swallow 1 sachet of Espumisan Easy. After drinking Fortrans, you can drink non-carbonated water and other clear non-carbonated liquid. Drinking of fluids should be stopped 4 hours before the test.

  • If the scheduled test time is 08:00 - 08:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 20:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 02:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled test time is 09:00 - 09:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 03:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 10:00 a.m. - 10:59 a .m., then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 9:00 p.m. the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 04:00 a.m. on the test day.
  • If the scheduled test time is 11:00 - 11:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 05:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 12:00 - 12:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 06:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled test time is 13:00 - 13:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 07:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 14:00 - 14:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 08:00 on the day of testing.
  • If the scheduled test time is 15:00 - 15:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 21:00 the previous day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 09:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 16:00 - 16:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 06:00 on the test day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 10:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 17:00 - 17:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 07:00 on the test day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 11:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 18:00 - 18:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 08:00 on the test day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 12:00 on the test day.
  • If the scheduled testing time is 19:00 - 19:59, then the first dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 09:00 on the test day, and the second dose of Fortran (2 liters) should be taken at 13:00 on the test day.

* You should come to the examination with an accompanying person. If you come in your own car, then please bring a second driver - do not drive after the test.

If you use reading glasses, please bring them with you - you will need to fill out a questionnaire and consent for the examination. If there was a colonoscopy performed in the past, please bring its description.
* Do not modify the preparation instructions, use the preparations according to the instructions.

* If you have any questions, please contact us at (81) 538 54 29 or (81) 532 37 11.
Attention!!! If the test will be performed under general intravenous anesthesia, do not consume any liquid or chew gum for 4 hours before the test!!!


Two-day preparation - if the test will be performed to 10:00 a.m. (start of the study)

A "light" breakfast may be eaten the day before the test. You must not eat lunch. You must remain fasting until the examination. Large amounts of still/boiled water should be consumed and laxatives should be taken as instructed.

Preparation of CitraFleet- 2 sachets

Dose 1 - should be taken at 8 pm the day before the test is conducted:

  • Step 1 - Pour the contents of 1 sachet into a cup of cold water (about 150 ml).
  • Step 2 - Stir for 2-3 minutes. If the contents warm up while stirring, allow to cool before drinking the entire solution. Drink the suspension immediately after preparation. The suspension will be cloudy.
  • Step 3 - after drinking the mixture, drink an additional 2 liters of clear liquid (still water) within 2 hours, a glass every 15 minutes!!!

Dose 2 - should be taken at 24:00 on the day before the test:

  • Step 1 - Pour the contents of 1 sachet into a cup of cold water (about 150 ml).
  • Step 2 - Stir for 2-3 minutes. If the contents warm up while stirring, allow to cool before drinking the entire solution. Drink the suspension immediately after preparation. The suspension will be cloudy.
  • Step 3 - after drinking the mixture, drink an additional 2 liters of clear liquid (still water) within 2 hours, a glass every 15 minutes!!!

Two-day preparation - if the test will be performed after 10:01 a.m.

On the day before the test, you can eat a normal breakfast. You are not allowed to eat lunch. You must remain fasting until the examination. You should consume large amounts of still/boiled water and take laxatives as instructed.

CitraFleet preparation - 2 sachets

Dose 1 - should be taken between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. the day before the test or procedure is performed:

  • Step 1 - Pour the contents of 1 sachet into a cup of cold water (about 150 ml).
  • Step 2 - Stir for 2-3 minutes. If the contents warm up while stirring, allow to cool before drinking the entire solution. Drink the suspension immediately after preparation. The suspension will be cloudy.
  • Step 3 - after drinking the mixture, drink an additional 2 liters of clear liquid (still water) within 2 hours - a glass every 15 minutes!!!

Dose 2 - take 6 hours before the test, finish drinking 4 hours before the test

  • Step 1 - Pour the contents of 1 sachet into a cup of cold water (about 150 ml).
  • Step 2 - Stir for 2-3 minutes. If the contents warm up while stirring, allow to cool before drinking the entire solution. Drink the suspension immediately after preparation. The suspension will be cloudy.
  • Step 3 - after drinking the mixture, drink an additional 2 liters of clear liquid (still water) within 2 hours- a glass every 15 minutes!!!

E.g. Testing at 11 a.m. - second dose at 5 a.m. (11-6=5), fluids are drunk until 7 a.m.
E.g. Testing at 5 p.m. - second dose at 11 a.m. (17-6=11), fluids are drunk until 1 p.m.

If the patient has a longer trip ahead of him then you can start drinking the second dose 7 hours before and finish 5 hours before the test.

Attention!!! If the test will be performed under general intravenous anesthesia, do not consume any liquid or chew gum for 4 hours before the test!!!

Description of the study

Colonoscopy examines the large intestine by inserting a special flexible endoscope ending in a camera (video colonoscope) into the rectum. The examination involves moving the colonoscope slowly forward through the rectum and then along the entire large intestine. In certain cases, the colonoscope can be inserted into the terminal segment of the small intestine.
The examination allows for a thorough evaluation of the mucosa of the lower gastrointestinal tract. During the examination it is possible, for an additional fee, to take a specimen for histopathological examination or remove a polyp (polypectomy). The moment of taking the material is not felt by the patient. The examination is usually well tolerated by patients and rarely causes severe pain.


  • Detecting the source of lower gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • Removal of polyps (polypectomy),
  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation,
  • Cancer diagnostics,
  • intestinal inflammation,
  • Pain in the anal area, lower abdomen,
  • As a prevention of colorectal cancer.


  • suspected intestinal obstruction (in this situation, the patient should report to the emergency room),
  • Taking antibiotics - antibiotics can interfere with the image of the test, the patient can perform the test at least 5 days after stopping antibiotics.