Removal of warts
Date booking: Required - tel. 81 532 37 11
Referral: The patient should be qualified for the procedure by the same doctor who will perform the procedure.
Waiting time for the result: Histopathological analysis result up to 21 working days.
Price list
Removal of warts
During the examination/surgery, it may be necessary to perform additional medical procedures, which are charged extra:
Histopathological examination (1 slice)80zł
Immunohistochemical examination (1 reaction)90zł
Removal of warts
During the examination/surgery, it may be necessary to perform additional medical procedures, which are charged extra:
Histopathological examination (1 slice)80zł
Immunohistochemical examination (1 reaction)90zł
Removal of warts
During the examination/surgery, it may be necessary to perform additional medical procedures, which are charged extra:
Histopathological examination (1 slice)80zł
Immunohistochemical examination (1 reaction)90zł
No special preparation is required for the procedure. After the procedure, the patient will visit the doctor within 7-10 days to remove the stitches and discuss further management.
Description of the study
We conduct surgical removal of common viral warts, plantar warts, flat (juvenile) warts, seborrheic (senile) warts. We remove single and multiple lesions.
The procedures are performed under local anesthesia. The excised lesion is subjected to histopathological evaluation (examination additionally paid).
The procedures are performed under local anesthesia. The excised lesion is subjected to histopathological evaluation (examination additionally paid).